Tuesday, 30 November 2010


canon eos 40d, tokina 12-24mm lens

today me and a few others from my class went to cover the student protests in central london.
it snowed pretty much constantly and my fingers felt like they we're going to fall off.
i got hit on the arm by something and narrowly missed a flying bollard during one particular scuffle, but apart from that there wasnt much trouble.
some of the protesters occupied tesco for a bit as well, that was funny.
afterwards we went for our now worryingly typical post protest mcdonalds where we showed / discussed our photos from the day and ate a lot of food.

taken in trafalgar square

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Busy week

canon eos 40d, tokina 12-24mm lens, sigma flash

sorry for the lack of posts this week.
i have been very busy mainly with the riot / protest i was covering on wednesday, the court hearing i was covering on the same day, the 300 word news article i had to write for wednesday and the 1500 word essay i had to write for thursday.
basically too much fire, too many early mornings and too many late nights.
i havent really seen day light these past two days though, so im catching up on sleep.

above is a little collection of my favourite photos i have taken this week.
my work also got published on the reuters news website for the second time this month, so im pretty happy about that.
normal boring posts about my life should resume next week.

taken mainly in whitehall, pret a manger, and outside the westminster magistrates court

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Birthday brigg

canon eos 40d, tokina 12-24mm lens

today is my good friend and fellow housemate thoms birthday.
we got him a cake from tesco, some candles from londis and surprised him in the kitchen with the lights off and sung happy birthday, it was sweet.
we were going to go out and watch some music but its cold and wet and the tickets were all sold out.
still, staying inside in the warm talking and drinking with my best friends is awesome anyway, so im not too bothered.

happy birthday man!

taken in our kitchen

Science museum

canon eos 40d, tokina 12-24mm lens

today we went to the science museum during our four hour break between photojournalism and photoshop.
it was totally awesome and we played on all the computer games and watched the internet livestream chatroom exhibition thing for like 20 minutes and then got mcdonalds.
the photo above shows laurie and lauren standing on the 'energy square', i dont know what the hell it did but it was equally as cool as everything else there.
in the evening we had photoshop class and learnt about selective colour editing for 2 hours.
after that i came home to find out that the top of my road had been cordoned off by police, they were looking for a gun.

taken in the science museum

Thursday, 11 November 2010

The battle of millbank

canon eos 40d, tokina 12-24mm lens, flash catch

yesterday we were assigned to cover the student march against tuition fees.
although over the course of the day the story became less about that and more about the people completely destroying the conservative headquarters.
it was a manic couple of hours during which i managed to get hit in the back of the head with a wooden pole, covered in egg and narrowly avoided being blown up by a deodorant canister on a fire.

i got the pictures though, and cold hands.

taken outside the millbank center, london

Monday, 8 November 2010

London to brighton

canon eos 40d, tokina 12-24mm lens

yesterday morning i was woken up at 6.18am by a phone call from lauren asking me where i was.
i realised then that i had slept through my 5am alarm ( thinking back now, probably a bit too optimistic) and had to be at hyde park by 7am to get photos of some very old cars taking part in the annual london to brighton veteran car run.
it was an assignment for college and 5% of my overall grade was beginning to slip away, one sleepy mistake at a time.
luckily i managed to get there with about 10 minutes to spare and scraped some ok photos.
this photo shows one of the owners attempting to fix his car as it spluttered to a halt just past westminter bridge.

it was also very very cold and i realised i need some fingerless gloves

taken on westminster bridge road

Saturday, 6 November 2010

About last night

canon eos 40d, tokina 12-24mm lens

last night me and jennif ( http://wejustare-niffyniffy.blogspot.com/) went into central to take some photos / try and see some fireworks.
we didn't see any and succeeded in getting very wet.
the photo side of things went a bit better though, ive started to take photos of people taking photos of each other in front of touristy places in central london, manly on southbank and by westminster, needless to say, last night was a good time to start adding to my collection.

in order to catch his flash in my exposure i had to have the shutter open for quite a long time, and because it was hand held its a bit blurry, you get the idea though.
all in all it was a lovely evening and after chasing various couples around southbank and having our bus attacked with fireworks, we got home, bought falafel wraps, managed to watch some fireworks in the pouring rain above a petrol station, drunk beer and talked at length / complained to each other about our lives...

thats what friends are for

taken on westminster bridge

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Cry osaka cry

canon eos 40d, tokina 12-24mm lens, sigma flash

in the past two days i have been to some very awesome shows.
yesterday i went to see line & a dot, she plays lovely acoustic music and me chris bused it across the length of london to see her play. i've been wanting to for ages and it was totally worth the journey / having no money for buses home.

today i went to see thom ( cry osaka cry ) and twin brother joe ( who was playing with him ) at the lock tavern in camden. my photoshop lesson finished at 8.15pm and they were on at 8.30pm so i really didnt think i was going to make it, let alone the tube strikes making it even more difficult.
i managed to get there in time though, with too much running and a lot of luck.


taken in the lock tavern, camden

Monday, 1 November 2010

Sunday service

canon eos 40d, tokina 12-24mm lens

me and my friends went up to the bear in camberwell to celebrate halloween.
the night is called sunday service and is curated by holy ghost http://www.holyghostzine.com/
there was music, art, projections and all kinds of things.
fun was had and drinks we're consumed, all in all a nice chilled night.

taken in 'the other space' upstairs at the bear, camberwell