canon eos 40d, tokina 12-24mm lens, sigma flash
tonight we played at the ibar in bournemouth with asbestos and minotaur explode and others, it was awesome and i cut my thumb open.
this upload is TIGHT.
taken in the ibar, bournemouth
for uni i have to do a self portrait, as soon as i heard about it i knew i wanted to tip water over myself.
i really like the gordons gin advert with ramsay getting the water and ice and limes tipped all over him and his expression afterwards. so in my garden at about 1am i decided to attempt the same kind of thing, i think it turned out quite well.
it was seriously cold, like seriously. my head hurt
thanks to tim and thom for helping me.
taken in my garden
today me and laurie went to take photos at ANOTHER student protest, we followed the march for ages and eventually it ended up outside the egyptian embassy.
nothing dramatic really happened, i got this photo of a guy shouting something.
we got super cold and went for a post protest mcdonalds (its officially a thing).
tonight i will be mainly playing cod, eating, talking to people on facebook, planning a self portrait assignment and trying to work out how to use my new self timer extension cord thing i bought for my camera.
taken in london
sony ericsson elm
this morning at about 5am i came across a spider on the side of my bed, it was one of the most disgusting, repulsive, scary things ive ever seen. i got tim to get rid of it.
after that i didnt want to go to bed so i stayed up and watched donnie darko. if theres one film that makes you question your own sanity, that is it.
i finally went to bed and fell asleep at 9am, i woke up at 6.30pm and went to get falafel wraps with tim, alec, thom and joe.
today has been weird.
taken in the falafel shop
taken this afternoon after everyone left and i made the kitchen habitable again.
lauren and laurie came round yesterday and we drank late into the night, shaved laurens hair, listened to a lot of awesome music and poured beer over each other.
yeah, dont ask.
my head hurts and i want some ribena.
taken in my room
yesterday / this morning we had some drinks in celebration of phils birthday, then we played pictionary, then we decided to see how many people we could fit in the cupboard with the electricity meter in.
above is joe farley doing his best to get in on top of the nine or so people that were in the cupboard already.
i woke up very late today and felt awful, so i sat at home, got my rent money and learnt about kerning and tracking in type.
taken in the cupboard downstairs
canon eos 40d, tokina 12-24mm lens, sigma flash
today i woke up at 5pm and decided to wash a lot of socks, tidy up my bedroom and buy luxemburg some more fish food.
above are said socks drying on the radiator in the hall.
i finished 'once upon a time in the north' last night, it was well good.
taken in my hall
canon eos 40d, tokina 12-24mm lens, tripod
this evening me and philip walked to tesco, on the way we stopped off at the mini skate park in peckham.
i have a thing for white lights at night instead of orangey ones, they look nicer.
ive had a lot of people asking me about advertising on my blogs recently, feels weird.
taken in peckham
chris brown and his bleached blond hair, its hilarious and courtesy of this girl - http://mollycrosby.blogspot.com/ (follow her, her art is good).
going to watch maths and crocus et al in camden later with chris and laurie, its going to be rammed and im excited.
also philip pullmans 'once upon a time in the north' arrived in the post today, fanx amazon.
taken in my room
canon eos 40d, tokina 12-24mm lens, flash catch
today me and nearly all my class turned up for a photocall at the southbank centre.
there were break dancers and ballroom dancers, we generally annoyed them and took photos. this is one of my better ones from the day.
hello to new followers and stuff, i hope you enjoy your 346 days.
taken in the southbank centre
canon eos 40d, tokina 12-24mm lens
today i went into central again to find my house mates because i have no keys and they do, this is becoming a weekly thing and i need to sort it out.
i was walking through trafalgar trying to find more photos for my 'people taking photos of each other at famous london landmarks' project and came across this group of girls from argentina.
they were nice and chatty and i suggested they go and visit the science museum, because science is good.
taken in trafalgar square