Saturday, 31 December 2011
Friday, 30 December 2011
Dead fish
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Paper peaks
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Monday, 26 December 2011
Sunday, 25 December 2011
Christmas 2011
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Christmas tree
Friday, 23 December 2011
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Light giver
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Monday, 19 December 2011
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Friday, 16 December 2011

canon eos 40d, tokina 12-24mm
people awoke in varying states of disrepair and hungoverness.
me and em had stayed up til 7am completing dissertations and eating cheese so we werent so bad, im not sure how everyone else felt. tim and alan shared a bed, they are so in love.
we packed our things and said goodbye to beds, fridges, goldfish and the house itself as we left on our annual journey home for christmas. it was long and hellish but we stopped at fleet and i drew some penises in the condensation on the windows of the bridge. good
i have just arrived home. i ate some cous cous. charlie has no top front teeth.
also blogger has changed their post editor for me so everything looks weird and not normal. soz
taken in my room
Thursday, 15 December 2011
171 christmas

canon eos 40d, tokina 12-24mm, flash
so today was 171's christmas day. we all got up way too early and opened secret santa presents. i got a water propelled rocket from joe. pretty awesome.
i fell back to sleep and woke up to phil and brig preparing tonights fantastic dinner of nut roast, veggies and stuffing. alan and emily and other people came around and we had a great time. thats all of us up there look.
im going home tomorrow.
taken in tims room
Wednesday, 14 December 2011

canon eos 40d, tokina 12-24mm, flash
tim bloody preston. i took this photo of him just before we left on a mission to sainsburys. i liked his colours and stuff. they looked nice and neat.
tomorrow is officially 171's christmas day. secret santa presents in the morning, lunch with the telly on and a christmas dinner with crackers, friends and drinks in evening. i cant wait.
i am quite hungry so i might make some potatoes. i have some beans i think, they go with them right?
taken in my room
Tuesday, 13 December 2011

i didnt sleep until about 6am last night. i dont know why. i woke up and received some parcels for people and then went back to bed. i woke up again and it was getting dark. thats the one thing i dislike about winter; my days get even shorter than normal.
i walked to camberwell college and dropped some library books off. they have all the christmas lights up along the road as well, so i took some photos of them and then loads of buses came along and the lights reflected in their windows and stuff.
taken in camberwell
Monday, 12 December 2011

white stuff.
last night i went and watched some bands at the old blue last. there i met alan and emily and some new people, most notably andrew and heather. we all had a good time watching bands, especially tellison.
buses home. trains for some. cold walks and then buses for others.
i have spent most of today completely cleaning my room. so that means all the corners where everything gets put during a standard 'tidy' as well. i chucked out a lot of crap and also came across interesting items i didnt know i had. one being a nice black jumper and the other being about eighteen feet of un-popped bubble wrap. if anyone needs some bubble wrap let me know. i've got loads now.
taken in my room
Sunday, 11 December 2011

today was house cleaning day. i also answered the door to a happy christmas asda shop from muv; 6 bags of absolute awesome. thanks mum!
i was awake at eleven but then, along with everyone else fell back to sleep until about half three. after that we went to get the photos from asda. the one i took of an aeroplane came out well. that was all i wanted.
im going to old blue last later to see some bands and some people. im looking forward to it.
taken in the upstairs bathroom
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Welcome wagon

we customised phils doormat and it is now officially 171 endorsed. booyah.
we went to asda to get some disposable cameras developed, im looking forward to picking them up tomorrow.
we went to tesco because everyone was craving 'sweet things'. i got some toast-able waffles.
our shower is now working again. i was quite excited until i got in and was reminded of how absolutely terrible it is.
this is also my 500th post on blogger... frick
taken outside our house
Friday, 9 December 2011

i spent most of last night putting off the film essay / review i had to do until i finally caved in and completed it in about an hour. i have probably done it wrong. this is fine. the queue outside the hand in office at 4pm was something else though; it stretched right into the canteen.
i came home and everyone was planning an ikea trip. i went along and snagged some free pencils and looked at nice desks. phil trod white paint all over the display carpets in the fake little rooms and we left. we also got a doormat.
i have completed all my work for this term. next term is going to be hideous.
taken in ikea
Thursday, 8 December 2011

last night i cycled to asda to fulfil some late night pizza cravings. on my way there my back wheel came off my bike... i was fine and didnt fall off or anything because im amazing / very lucky that i was going quite slow and on flat ground. anyway, i got pizza and then talked to this guy who was fixing the road or something about whether he had a spanner set i could use quickly. he didnt, but the one spanner he did have fit my back wheel bolt perfectly, and i fixed it right there on the spot. after thanking him he gave me a greasy hand shake and told me to ride safely and have a nice night. people like that remind me that the world is actually an alright place.
taken in peckham
Wednesday, 7 December 2011

today / last night we all came to an agreement on what the fate of our god forsaken van will be. in short; its going cheap for parts on auto trader. wannit mate? give ya it fer a tenner. (just kidding i think it might be a little bit more expensive than that)
anyway, now that money and time vampire is out of our heads it feels a little better. for me anyway.
we drew our secret santa names last night. i have someone. they will be getting something great even though i have no money. its going to be brilliant honest.
taken outside our house
Tuesday, 6 December 2011

today me and the emily woke up slightly earlier than normal (only just in the AM) and went on a little walk around hatfield. it was bloody cold and we found this horrible little fake nature walk / pond / weird yellow parrot sanctuary thing. there were a few rabbits knocking about as well.
after that we had some well deserved hot chocolate and then i sat and watched tv with alan whilst emily went to a tutorial. i made up a lil poster for a tour im going on in february and then we got a train to londonia.
jacket potatoes, tuna, sweetcorn.
no money, no sun, novem- oh wait no its december.
taken in hatfieldr
Monday, 5 December 2011

today was the same as most sundays (nah mondays actually). wake up late, hang around downstairs with joey and stef for a bit and talk about stuff and eat wagon wheels, meet emily from work, walk back in the cold, put bike in the garage (see above) make food and play the wikipedia game. i lost the first time because my target page was 'LMNOP'. a lot harder than it sounds.
i watched an episode of the OC today. its the first one ive seen since me and joe accidently caught the very end of the series on tv once when theres a car crash and marrisa dies. we laughed. sorry if you're watching it for the first time and that spoils it for y- awww look how CUTE seth is....
god sakes
taken in 96's back garden
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Saturday, 3 December 2011

i woke up at around 2pm after having dreams about policemen going through the contents of my wallet and pockets. i managed to drag myself out of bed and fill my stomach with a good 4 slices of buttery toast.
i am now sat in hatfield after watching japanese women smile incessantly at a hopeless baby on the train. pizza has been eaten. such is life.
oh look thats the moon.
taken in my garden
Friday, 2 December 2011

back to the olllldd 12mm. comfy. tonis lens was a babe though.
i went to sleep at 1am after being awake for 36 hours. i awoke at about 8am with severe indigestion and went down stairs to find a sleep deprived matt drinking coffee. poor matt.
we went to asda. i found out that i dont have very much money in my bank atall thanks to o2 taking a certain bill out early. but i bought some bread with tomatos on it and some hummus.
i should have bought some sweet potato.
after that i went on a late night mission to uni to hand some dvds back to the library, this is what outside looked like.
taken outside LCC
Thursday, 1 December 2011

this little guy kept me company all of last night and this morning whilst i was struggling to stay awake / write the rest of that essay / do my photo story. i got it all done and handed in on time though, totally worth it. getting work out of the way is the best.
i have been awake for over twenty four hours now. its weird and worrying how used to this i have become over the past year.
i am quite hungry and i just got a load of bath water in my ear. it feels heavy.
taken in my room