this is the last page of the 13th book in ASOUE series. ive not quite there yet this time round but wanted to use it as my photo for today as i think the last paragraph really sums up the series and the messages that come with it.
the books bring up alot of ideas about whats considered good or evil, about dealing with difficult situations and realising that a lot of the time you just have to do your best to deal with them and not give up. i write this because recently in 171 we've all realised that we have no money, our only means of engine based transport is broken and is going to be expensive to fix and we've all been eating food out of cans, the majority of which has been coloured orange.
basically at times when circumstances seem dire and when everything seems like its going wrong one can always find hope in friends and loved ones. you can still laugh and make music and take photos and hug each other.
pretty deep man. books just make me think a lot about stuff.
taken in my room
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