woke up today and sat down at a drumkit and hit things loud, and then a bit quieter, and can you do that again? and nah you played it different last take, and yeah seriously, and ok cool, go again. i had to record it all in just my boxers. its almost become ritualistic for me to do that when recording at home now as i play much better and also the room is so hot, clothes just seem like an inconvenience. gross
got the last in the series of microwaveable dinners tonight from tesco, the cottage pie. i dont care what anyone says; theres no way im going to try the 'sweet and sour chicken' or even consider the 'corned beef hash'. no way.
just to give you an idea of the quality standards these 'meals' (used in the very loosest sense) meet, they cost about 70 pence each.
vocals tomorrow. if my neighbours are reading this dont worry, no ones getting killed or receiving a series of extremely violent electric shocks, its just tim. although this is peckham, so that is probably happening somewhere near by if you're into that kind of thing.
taken in joes room
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