ive been looking at this blog / collection of images loads recently and it inspired me to make todays photo quite designy and white and nice and crisp and stuff.
this is me in ma shurt. its pretty much the only interesting item of clothing that i own. the word interesting here meaning "something that isnt grey or a band t-shirt".
todays been a kind of nothingy day; plans fell through, vans still broken, its been raining, my foot hurts, no food, no money, also i have a cold and it makes my face feel heavy.
in other news tumblrs made it so you can now see the exif data on all my photos. wut. if you hover over an image and click the little " i " in the bottom left hand corner you can see what ISO i was using, shutter speed and everything. although whenever i use the 12-24mm (pretty much all the time) the aperture is always on F4 because its still fucked.
taken in my room
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