i decided to take the new old lens out and see how good it was for general purpose stuff. it is pretty much the softest thing ever, dosent focus properly and the auto focus motor sounds like a car failing to start. despite all of that though it does have a certain charm. its like it knows its been re-discovered and is determined to proove itself and get more use. on the plus side it is quite small and discrete so i think in time i could grow to like the little guy.
this is a picture of laurens hair and hand because she dosent like me taking photos of her. we went into uni and sorted out enrolling properly even though what i had already done would have been fine but yeah. the man photocopied some stuff and i am now 'on the system'. he also said that when we come back to get the new student cards to look for 'the scrum' of people as thats where they'll be giving them out. this is reassuring.
after that we talked about body parts in the pub and walked home in the rain.
taken outside lcc
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