travel day 23098345#
i got my train on time but it quickly got busy and before i knew it i was sat next to a lady that smelt like peanut butter. i looked around for other potential sources; sandwiches? toast? an impromptu peanut butter lovers convention being held on the train? but no, it was the lady. suffice to say this grossed me out for pretty much the entire journey.
upon arrival at home i bought some food, hung with matt and joe for a bit and had a shower to wash off the travel. i think the man is coming to fix our van tomorrow. me and joe are going to have to be all men like and pretend we know what we're talking about. i have a feeling it might turn out like that peep show episode when they get the guy in to fix their toilet door and he ends up going crazy and kicking it in again. that wont happen.
taken just outside london
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