today i went to a bank and talked to someone about maybe changing from my current bank to the bank i was in. they said okay and told me what i needed to do. im going to do this.
i walked for a while and had a loner mcdonalds. then i listened to nick from actionaid talk to me about actionaid, and i in turn talked to him about my current financial situation and life. i think its the first time ive ever actually felt like i was being the annoying person in one of those situations.
i walked some more and found myself in a rather picturesque st james park. i angered some geese and nearly stepped on a squirrel so left and walked some more to get a bus, i took the above photo on the way.
i was supposed to be getting photos for the little project we have to do this week on the subject 'a man at work'. this would be fine if we had more than one week to complete it / it was a project that i actually cared about / felt inspired by / had a well thought through brief / meant something to me. men are at work. they work. i know im being facetious.
taken in parliament square
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